Short Fiction
"Gone to a Creamy Death"
The Urbanite 11: Strange Nourishment, 1999
[Urban Legend Press, Davenport IA]
"Come to My Senses"
The Urbanite 10: On Whom the Pale Moon Gleams, 1998
"With The Original Cast"
Midsummer Night's Dreams: One Story, Many Tales, 1998
[anthology; Rhinoceros Books/Masquerade, NY] – M. Christian, ed.
"Love Hz"
Eros Ex Machina: Eroticizing the Mechanical, 1998
[anthology; Rhinoceros Books/Masquerade] – M. Christian, ed.
Sex Machine: Eroticizing the Mechanical [reprint], 2002
[anthology; Venus Book Club, NY] – M. Christian, ed.
"Used to Could"
The Urbanite 9: Strange Places, 1997
"A Fish in Chocolate Cake"
The Urbanite 8: Strange Entities, 1997
"Lunch with Janoscz, the Deconstruction Worker"
The Urbanite 7: Strange Transformations, 1996
The Urbanite 6: Strange Fascinations, 1995
The Urbanite 5: Strange Relationships, 1995
"Searching for Sweet"
The Urbanite 4: Strange Pets, 1994
Young Blood, 1994
[anthology; Zebra Books/Kensington, NY] – Mike Baker, ed.
"Touch Black"
The Urbanite 3: The Search for Happiness, 1993
Tooth and Nail: Two Stories [reprint], 1995
[chapbook; Urban Legend Press]
"Why the Peach Tree Grows in Stone"
Daughters of Nyx 1, 1993
[Ruby Rose's Fairy Tale Emporium, White Salmon WA]
"Lee's Own"
The Brood of Sycorax, 1993
[anthology; Urban Legend Press] – Mark McLaughlin, ed.
Tooth and Nail: Two Stories [reprint], 1995
[chapbook; Urban Legend Press]
"Party of One"
The Urbanite 2: The Party Issue, 1992
"The Wondrous 3-D Full-Spectrum Laser Climbometer"
Bulletin of the Eastern Native Tree Society, Summer 2006
"Trysts of a Manaed"
Guilty Pleasures: True Tales of Erotic Indulgence, 2001 [Black Books, San Francisco] – M. Christian, ed.
"Iyuwifatua?: A Fifteen-Year-Old in London"
The Urbanite #1, 1991
Book Chapter
"Dean's Day Off" [Chapter 9]
Politics Is Murder: An Iowa Mystery, 2000 [KUNI] – Barbara Lounsberry, ed.
Selected Articles
"Bards abound: We're surrounded by poets in the Quad-Cities" [five-part series] – The Leader [Davenport IA], July – August 2003
"Center Stage owner didn't set out to be a dancer" – The Leader, May 23, 2003
"A sad day in the neighborhood: Q-C remembers Mr. Rogers, 74" – Moline Dispatch and Rock Island Argus [IL], February 28, 2003
"Michael Blaser: a man of the seas and the Q-Cs" – Moline Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, February 14, 2003
"The river itself is the main attraction" – Moline Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, February 14, 2003
"PR Reality Check (and remedies for the shock)" – The Library Imagination Paper! [Carol Bryan Imagines, Charleston WV], Summer 1997
"Fantastic, No-Nonsense News Releases" – The Library Imagination Paper! [Carol Bryan Imagines], Winter 1994